Automate boilers fired by biomass

Kenobi biomass combustion boilers use advanced combustion technique to obtain the highest possible heating ratio and thus an extra economy and comfort.

Design and production according to EU regulations, and under certification of TÜV Rheinland Intercert.

Our boilers have special designed combustion chambers taking into account fuel's characteristics and peculiarities. Combustion is complete, emissions are very low. 

Complete combustion is carried out at high temperatures up to 1000oC. That is extremely demanding of the structure of the boiler and material used in it. 

We can offer:

- hot water or supraheated water boilers 

- boilers with mobile grates or fixed grates

- biomass fired boilers for burning dry fuel 

- biomass fired boilers for burning wet fuel 

- boilers with automate operation

- capacities between 150 - 2000 kW.

Please choose from the following types: 

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Good reasons for biomass heating

Modern biomass boiler plants have higher acquisition costs than gas or oil fuelled plants but they pay off in a few years with lower heating costs. 

Take advantage of low heating cost at predictable prices, that not depend on crises in other parts of the word.

Use your own wood waste and generate heat. 

Biomass plants reduces the greenhouse effect, replace fossil fuels with innovative energy.

Biomass not require long transports like gas or oil. It does not cause ecological catastrophes. 

Even if your choice is based on economic reasons, you also make a contribution to environment.